"When certain maternal conditions arise or if the baby's movements are worrying, the doctor may advise an induced labor. There are 2 types of induction - medical and surgical. In the medical method, a pessary(a tablet containing a substance responsible for triggering uterine contractions) is inserted in the vagina. In a surgical induction, the waterbag is intentionally burst to start the onset of labor. This often results in a more painful labor experience." source : Pregnancy & Babycare Guide vol. 10
haih penat taip..smlm terbaca topic ni masa telek2 buku sebelum tido..huwaa..mana satu yg akan Dr. buat kat aku? medical? surgical? huwaa..harap2 bukan yg sakit tuh!! tp dedua sure sakit punye laa..
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
Saturday, May 23, 2009
37 weeks 5 Days + Checkup
hmmp..hari ni checkup..tadik Dr. kater berat baby tak naik..haih banyak dah aku makan ni, tak naik plak berat die..kenape ek die tak naik? Dr. set another appointment next week on Monday(1st June)..n she said if the baby still don't show any progress, i will be induce! hoh..seram sejuk jugak bila Dr. cakap camtuh tadik..baby, mama harap baby sehat je kat dalam tuh k! tak kesah laa berat naik ke tak ke, janji baby sehat!amin!..
For record:
baby's weight : 2.5kg (same as last 2 weeks)
mama's weight : 70.2kg (mama je yg naik..baby tak naik pon)
Hari ni jugak dapat jumpe Basil n his mommy n daddy! Mancet dah kuruss!! bezznye die dah kurus balik..pada mulanye kitorg just dok lepak2 n borak2 kat spital tu..haih macam takde tmpt lain je nak borak2..n after that we decided to go somewhere else yg lebeh bezz..IOI..haha bezz ke IOI? ok laa gak IOI..dah semakin lebar n luas..ada wing baru!Sempat gak kitorg pi bershopping sama2 kat OU tadik..
so kita tunggu je aper yg akan terjadik on 1st June nanti!! jeng jeng jeng!!..
For record:
baby's weight : 2.5kg (same as last 2 weeks)
mama's weight : 70.2kg (mama je yg naik..baby tak naik pon)
Hari ni jugak dapat jumpe Basil n his mommy n daddy! Mancet dah kuruss!! bezznye die dah kurus balik..pada mulanye kitorg just dok lepak2 n borak2 kat spital tu..haih macam takde tmpt lain je nak borak2..n after that we decided to go somewhere else yg lebeh bezz..IOI..haha bezz ke IOI? ok laa gak IOI..dah semakin lebar n luas..ada wing baru!Sempat gak kitorg pi bershopping sama2 kat OU tadik..
so kita tunggu je aper yg akan terjadik on 1st June nanti!! jeng jeng jeng!!..
Monday, May 18, 2009
False alarm
huwaa..malam tadik cuak skejap..sakit gila amat..kejap2 datang..macam period pain, sakit dekat2 ngan tulang pelvis tuh n pinggang..start tersedar sakit kol 1pagik..ati dah rasa len macam..tp tamo pi spital..sbb cam tak mungkinlaa nak terberanak dah kan..kang pi2 spital, alih2 fase alarm, malu je..so tahan je aa sakit..bila sakit tu datang, aku bangun dan jalan2 keliling rumah..haih kalo laa org nampak mesti ingat aku ngigau.. pepagik bute jenjalan sorg2..tp seriuss sakit gilaaaaaaaaaaaa..dekat 10 kali jugak ler ulang alik ke toilet..bukan setakat tuk buang air kcil..buang air besar pon ada..bila kurang sket sakit, dsebbkan mata tak bleh tido, sempat gak laa aku surf internet looking for true sign of labor..haha baru terhegeh2 nak carik..
True vs. False Labor
"How will I know when it is REAL labor?" is a question many first-time moms have as they approach the end of the pregnancy. The mothers-to-be worry that the contractions may stop when they arrive at the hospital and they will be sent home. Conversely, many also worry that they will deliver at home or in the car on the way to the hospital if they wait too long.
What are Braxton-Hicks Contractions?
During the third trimester, your uterus begins to contract. It normally feels like a tightening or a low menstrual-like cramp. It may feel as if the baby is "balling up". This, of course, is not the baby, but is your uterus generating that sensation. These early contractions are called Braxton-Hicks contractions, named after the obstetrician who first described them. Even Braxton-Hicks contractions can sometimes be painful. This can be the confusing part about when to pay attention to them. Contractions in false labor may even come at regular 5-minute intervals, lasting about 30 seconds. This may go on for hours. Even women who have had already had children go to the hospital thinking they are in real labor and find out is was a false alarm. Here are a few guidelines when distinguishing true from false labor:
Timing of Contractions
• False Labor: Often irregular; not usually becoming closer together
• True Labor: Come regularly, usually 4-6 minutes apart and can become closer together. Usually last 30-70 seconds.
Strength of Contractions
• False Labor: Frequently weak; not getting stronger with time, or alternately, a strong contraction followed by weaker ones.
• True Labor: Become stronger with time. You may also feel vaginal pressure
Pain with Contractions
• False Labor: Usually felt in the front only.
• True Labor: Can start in the back and move to the front.
Position Changes and Hydration
• False Labor: Contractions may stop or slow down when you walk, lie down, change position or increase your fluid intake.
• True Labor: Contractions continue no matter what position changes you make or how much you drink.
Should I Stay or Should I Go?
If you are less than 35 weeks pregnant and you have regular contractions lasting more than thirty seconds and occurring more than 4-6 times an hour, try resting and drinking lots of fluids. If the contractions don't settle down with these changes in activity, call your practitioner. The signs of preterm labor can be subtle, and should be evaluated.
Once you are past 36 weeks, if this is a first pregnancy, you are much more likely to go in to your birth place too early rather than too late. Don't time contractions until they are very strong and regular. Plan to go to the hospital when they are so strong that you cannot hold a conversation during one, closer than 5 minutes apart, and continue in that pattern for over an hour. For women who have given birth before, we recommend using your previous labor as a guideline. On average, second babies come in half the time it took for the first. Subsequent pregnancies are usually similar to the second one.
If you just aren't sure whether it is false or real labor, don't feel bad going into labor and delivery to be examined. Your practitioner and the nurses there see many women each day in false labor. Sometimes it is even hard for the professionals to distinguish if it is the real thing.
dekat2 kol 4 pagik baru sakit tu kurang n mata pon ngantok amat..tadik pagik bangun lega sket sbb sakit tuh dah kurang sket..tak sesakit malam tadik..so sah la malam tadik tuh false alarm je! haih tu baru false alarm dah sakit amat!! lom gik true labor contraction..ya Allah ya tuhanku permudahkan laa segala urusanku..semoga semuanye berjalan lancar..amin!
"How will I know when it is REAL labor?" is a question many first-time moms have as they approach the end of the pregnancy. The mothers-to-be worry that the contractions may stop when they arrive at the hospital and they will be sent home. Conversely, many also worry that they will deliver at home or in the car on the way to the hospital if they wait too long.
What are Braxton-Hicks Contractions?
During the third trimester, your uterus begins to contract. It normally feels like a tightening or a low menstrual-like cramp. It may feel as if the baby is "balling up". This, of course, is not the baby, but is your uterus generating that sensation. These early contractions are called Braxton-Hicks contractions, named after the obstetrician who first described them. Even Braxton-Hicks contractions can sometimes be painful. This can be the confusing part about when to pay attention to them. Contractions in false labor may even come at regular 5-minute intervals, lasting about 30 seconds. This may go on for hours. Even women who have had already had children go to the hospital thinking they are in real labor and find out is was a false alarm. Here are a few guidelines when distinguishing true from false labor:
Timing of Contractions
• False Labor: Often irregular; not usually becoming closer together
• True Labor: Come regularly, usually 4-6 minutes apart and can become closer together. Usually last 30-70 seconds.
Strength of Contractions
• False Labor: Frequently weak; not getting stronger with time, or alternately, a strong contraction followed by weaker ones.
• True Labor: Become stronger with time. You may also feel vaginal pressure
Pain with Contractions
• False Labor: Usually felt in the front only.
• True Labor: Can start in the back and move to the front.
Position Changes and Hydration
• False Labor: Contractions may stop or slow down when you walk, lie down, change position or increase your fluid intake.
• True Labor: Contractions continue no matter what position changes you make or how much you drink.
Should I Stay or Should I Go?
If you are less than 35 weeks pregnant and you have regular contractions lasting more than thirty seconds and occurring more than 4-6 times an hour, try resting and drinking lots of fluids. If the contractions don't settle down with these changes in activity, call your practitioner. The signs of preterm labor can be subtle, and should be evaluated.
Once you are past 36 weeks, if this is a first pregnancy, you are much more likely to go in to your birth place too early rather than too late. Don't time contractions until they are very strong and regular. Plan to go to the hospital when they are so strong that you cannot hold a conversation during one, closer than 5 minutes apart, and continue in that pattern for over an hour. For women who have given birth before, we recommend using your previous labor as a guideline. On average, second babies come in half the time it took for the first. Subsequent pregnancies are usually similar to the second one.
If you just aren't sure whether it is false or real labor, don't feel bad going into labor and delivery to be examined. Your practitioner and the nurses there see many women each day in false labor. Sometimes it is even hard for the professionals to distinguish if it is the real thing.
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
baby syok layan konsert! ahaha ye ke? Dr. kater lagik kuat kita dengar lagu, lagik die gerak banyak..sbb tinge die dah bleh dengar! hmm maybe baby tgh joget2 dalam perutku kot..layannn
sila abaikan background music itew..masa ni tgh tgk konsert AF..terlupa lak nak silentkan tv..maap
What does it mean when my doctor says the baby is engaged?
Haa cik Farin, sila baca article ni..penting ni tuk ko masa depan..hehe..
Engagement or "lightening" is the movement of your baby down into the pelvis that occurs toward the end of your pregnancy. This lowering of the baby into the pelvis typically occurs prior to labor, although for some women the baby will not engage until the very start of labor. The baby is considered engaged when the head has dropped below the pelvic bone.
When the baby begins to drop, you will notice that your abdomen will change shape, shifting down and forward. Your abdomen may even seem smaller, as the head of the baby enters the birth canal. This position creates increased pressure on your bladder, causing the need to urinate more frequently. You may also feel aches or pains in your pelvic joints and perineum as well. You may be able to breathe more easily after the baby drops, as there is now more room in your upper abdomen for your lungs to expand.
Engagement is measured in "stations", indicating exactly where the crown of the baby's head is in relation to the pelvic bone. When the crown of the baby's head is right at your pelvic bone, the baby is at 0 station, also called "fully engaged."
Engagement or "lightening" is the movement of your baby down into the pelvis that occurs toward the end of your pregnancy. This lowering of the baby into the pelvis typically occurs prior to labor, although for some women the baby will not engage until the very start of labor. The baby is considered engaged when the head has dropped below the pelvic bone.
When the baby begins to drop, you will notice that your abdomen will change shape, shifting down and forward. Your abdomen may even seem smaller, as the head of the baby enters the birth canal. This position creates increased pressure on your bladder, causing the need to urinate more frequently. You may also feel aches or pains in your pelvic joints and perineum as well. You may be able to breathe more easily after the baby drops, as there is now more room in your upper abdomen for your lungs to expand.
Engagement is measured in "stations", indicating exactly where the crown of the baby's head is in relation to the pelvic bone. When the crown of the baby's head is right at your pelvic bone, the baby is at 0 station, also called "fully engaged."
Monday, May 11, 2009
aku dalam Labor room
jeng jeng jeng! ..yer aku dibawa ke labor room arini! first time terbaring atas katil dalam labor room tu! tp bukan untuk bersalin!! tuk buat CTG je..hehe..suspen tak? haha..tadik masa checkup, aku ngadu kat Dr. yg baby tak gerak malam tadik, lepas scan n check, Dr. kater baby ok..n his heartbeat normal..so lega sket..kater Dr. : 'die tido'..n then tetibe Dr. kater 'ok takpe, kita buat CTG arini..tp saya kene kejut die dulu'..haih sakit jugak laa masa Dr. tekan kat bawah tu tuk kejut si kecik ni..2 kali Dr. kejut, 2 kali tu jugak die tak bangun! haih tak pernah plak si kecik ni tido camtu skalik..slalu die la paling aktif skalik dalam perut ni..Dr. jugak kater 'baby already engaged!..ok laa tu senang laa nak bersalin' amin! waa..i'm so glad! tp..eventho baby already engaged, doesn't mean i'm already ready to give birth..tp itu dah jadik petanda yg baik tuk aku! so tunggu je laa..
133BPM, die tido..lepas je nurse cantik tu gletek2 perut aku, naik sket heartbeat die to 147-150 BPM..hamboih Dr. tekan2 die tak bangun..nurse cantik gletek2, bangun plak die..memilih ye anak mama? contraction rate: 23..blom masanye..
oppss..censored sket gambar ni..(harap2 takde laa org lelaki yg tgk blog ni) -takde kot..
for record: baby's weight : 2.5kg
mama's weight: 69.2kg(haih gila banyak naik!)
mama's weight: 69.2kg(haih gila banyak naik!)
Nani's Wedding
Smlm, 10 May 2009 aku jumpe ramei member2 lama..n tak sangka terjumpe gak my cousin, Nadia n her husband(die pon tgh menghitung hari cam aku)..pehtuh jumpe Didi(member yun + mira)..haih pusing2, saling kaitan rupenye..smlm terik gila panas..bedal sir sejuk bergelas2 + cendol yg bezz! perghh tak hingat dah time tu aku tgh pregnant, mana bleh minum ais sangat..lagik2 aku ni ada lelah..wahh En. Hubby jeling2 je..hehe die jeling kita, kita jeling die balik! hahaha..
haih tembam btul aku!
terik gila panas..sampai kitorg tak bleh nak bukak mata!
On the way balik tu, ternampak laa plak ada org jual air kelapa! wahh leleh air liur..dah lama tahan tekak ni tak minum air kelapa..sbb pantang org tua, katernye org pregnant tak bleh minum air kelapa, sbb air kelapa bisa..hmm..pehtuh ada plak org kater nak dekat bersalin bagus minum air kelapa, sbb nanti baby kuar bersih je..ntah ek..wallahualam..smlm tgk air kelapa tu meleleh je air liur, En. Hubby stop skejap belikan..wah sedap gilos!! ilang terliur lepas minum satu bijik kelapa sorg! En. Hubby tak suka..katernye rasa cam payau je..haa lepas bedal satu bijik kelapa, malam tadik dah riso2 sbb si kecik dalam ni tak gerak2! ati runsing sangat, otak dah pk macam2..adekah disbbkan air kelapa yg aku telan ptg tadik? huwaa..En. Hubby pujuk suh tido n tak kasik pk macam2..lagikpon arini ada checkup..so tayah laa risau sangat katernye..tp kan, sebenarnye bleh ke aku minum air kelapa skang ni? ke spttnye lambat lagik baru aku bleh minum air kelapa? (cthnye dah btul2 nak bersalin?)
Friday, May 8, 2009
Kene TAG - Desktop
ok ok..dah banyak sangat TAG yg kene buat! tp satu pon aku tak wat gik!! since TAG ni senang je, n tgh tak wat pape ni, boleh lah gak nak layan..Farah ni rajin betul TAG aku, tp sori satu je yg aku ternak buat..hehe
1.Anda perlu printscreen wallpaper/background desktop anda yang tengah guna sekarang. Jangan tipu2 tau.... tak tipu der..mmg ni pon yg ada kat desktop aku.. - sila abaikan ikon2 yg berserabut tu..saje tepek sume current keje kat desktop, senang nak carik..

2.Bgtau nape anda suke wallpaper anda itu...
Sebab saya nak baby saya pon muka cam ni! comel kan kan? geramm betul!! pipi chubby n blush2 gitew..harap2 baby mama cam baby dalam pic ni k! ari-ari tatap ni..harap2 tekenan laa sket2..haha..haih perasan betul!
3. Tag 10 people...
alaa kene 10 org ke? rameinye! ahh sesape nak buat, buat laa..senang je ni..
- yunne
- Zam
- zehan
- mama adam
- atul
- En. Hubby <<-- ni gerenti takkan baut nye..takpo nak tag gak die!
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